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Clash of the giants

The "Clash of the Giants" is an upcoming boxing event set to take place on Saturday, September 7th, 2024, at the iconic Charter Hall in Nairobi, Kenya. This thrilling event will showcase a series of high-stakes matchups featuring some of the most formidable fighters in the region and beyond.

Main Event Highlights:

Morris Okolla Alfayo vs. Ruann Visser: Two towering heavyweights will go head-to-head in what promises to be an explosive clash. Alfayo, a local favorite known for his power and resilience, will face off against Visser, a seasoned fighter with a reputation for technical prowess.

Rayton Okwiri vs. Ken Lukyamuzi: Okwiri, a celebrated Kenyan boxer with a strong track record, is set to battle Lukyamuzi in what is expected to be a fiercely competitive bout. Both fighters are known for their speed and agility, making this matchup one to watch.